List of Common Prepositions in English (A-Z)

Common prepositions list in English grammar is now available online, check list of prepositions sorted in order from A to Z. Prepositions are words that establish relationships between nouns, pronouns, and other words in a sentence. They typically indicate location, time, direction, manner or possession. Some common prepositions are at, on, in, by, for, with, […]

Common Prepositions List

Common prepositions list in English grammar is now available online, check list of prepositions sorted in order from A to Z. Prepositions are words that establish relationships between nouns, pronouns, and other words in a sentence. They typically indicate location, time, direction, manner or possession. Some common prepositions are at, on, in, by, for, with, to, from, into, after, before, during, over, behind, above, below, with, without, among etc. Prepositions can sometimes be used in idiomatic expressions or have different meanings in specific contexts.

You can check list of prepositions of time, movement, place, space available in grammar of English language.

Prepositions List in English Grammar

  • About
  • Above
  • Alongside
  • According to
  • Across
  • After
  • Ago
  • Against
  • Ahead
  • Ahead of
  • Along
  • Along with
  • Amid
  • Amidst
  • Among
  • Amongst
  • Apart from
  • Around
  • Across
  • Atop
  • As
  • As far as
  • As well as
  • Aside from
  • At
  • As for
  • Anti
  • As per
  • As to
  • Away
  • Away From
  • Aboard
  • Astride
  • Barring
  • Because of
  • Before
  • Behind
  • Below
  • Beneath
  • Beside / Besides
  • Between
  • Beyond
  • By
  • By means of
  • Bar
  • But for
  • But
  • Concerning
  • Considering
  • Contrary to
  • Counting
  • Cum
  • Circa
  • Despite
  • Down
  • Due to
  • During
  • Depending On
  • Except
  • Except for
  • Excepting
  • Excluding
  • For
  • Following
  • From
  • Further to
  • Given
  • Gone
  • In
  • In addition to
  • In case of
  • In front of
  • In place of
  • In spite of
  • In face of
  • In favour of
  • In to
  • In between
  • Inside
  • Instead of
  • Into
  • In light of
  • Including
  • In view of
  • Like
  • Less
  • Minus
  • Notwithstanding
  • Near
  • Next
  • Next to
  • Of
  • Other than
  • Outside
  • Over
  • Off
  • On
  • On account of
  • On behalf of
  • On to
  • On top of
  • Onto
  • Opposite
  • Out
  • Out from
  • Out of
  • Owing to
  • Off of
  • Past
  • Per
  • Prior to
  • Plus
  • Pending
  • Per
  • Plus
  • Preparatory to
  • Pro
  • Re
  • Regarding
  • Regardless of
  • Round
  • Save
  • Save for
  • Saving
  • Since
  • Than
  • Thanks to
  • Through
  • Throughout
  • Till
  • Times
  • To
  • Toward / Towards
  • Up
  • Upon
  • Upto
  • Until
  • Unlike
  • Under
  • Up Until
  • Underneath
  • Versus
  • Via
  • With
  • With reference to
  • With regard to
  • With a view to
  • Worth
  • Within
  • Without

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